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Become a Fair Sponsor

2025 Sponsorship Opportunities - Coming Soon!

Interested in becoming a supporter of the Fort Bend County Fair? We'd love to have you! If you have any questions on becoming a Fair Supporter, please contact the Fair Office.

Advertisement Opportunity - Annual Fair Magazine

We hope you will consider using our magazine as a means of involvement in the Fort Bend County Fair and our community. For more information and rates, please call the Fair Office or email

We appreciate your contributions and look forward to partnering with you!

For more opportunities and information
please contact the Fair Office:
Office: 281.342.6171
Barbara Magana-Robertson
Cell: 281-723-5995

Fair Supporter Commitment

Fair Supporter
Fair Supporter

...and now, a word from our Fair Supporters

The Fort Bend County Fair has been close to my heart all my life. I grew up in this area and when I opened Another Time Soda Fountain & Cafe I became involved in another way as a sponsor. I have watched the kids show their project wether it is baking a cake, showing animals or painting, and to see their faces when they are part of such a big event is truly amazing. These kids work so hard and do a great job. Everyone is a winner and that's the best part of all. Since I have been a sponsor I have met so many great people. The volunteers are exceptional and always want to help others. I feel like being a sponsor for all these years has given me another family that I love so much. My heart is bigger and my smile is wider since I have become a member of such a great group!!

Renee Butler

Owner – Another Time Soda Fountain & Cafe

“The Fort Bend County Farm Bureau continues to be an active Fair sponsor to provide support for the youth of our county and continue our mission to the be the voice of Texas agriculture in Fort Bend County. Through our sponsorship of the Junior Livestock Auction reception and calf scramble as well as significant participation in all of the livestock auctions, we are able to encourage our county 4H/FFA participants in their current and future aspirations.”

John Cotterell

Fort Bend County Farm Bureau President

“I believe education of youth is one of the most important factors for society’s future. That is why I volunteer on a couple of Fort Bend County Fair committees and donate directly as a sponsor. The Fair Scholarships awarded to Fort Bend County youth and the life-lessons learned by the 4H/FFA exhibitors help provide the support and motivation for them to successfully become contributing members of the Fort Bend community. I’m just paying my part forward.”

John M. Cotterell

Fort Bend County Fair Committeeman

Since 1997, we have been involved in the Fort Bend County Fair.In 1997, with our company barely over a year old, we were invited by some friends to come out to participate in some of the Fair’s activities.In 1998, we did one of the lower sponsorship packages (maybe the actual lowest) and have never looked back.

Over the years we have seen the Fair continue an upward progression to becoming, arguably, one of the best County Fairs in the State of Texas.Over those same years our commitment has grown both financially and in other ways.The fact that the Fair does such a great job of providing a platform for so many kids to learn, grow and understand that hard work pays off in the form of recognition and reward makes us proud to have our company names associated with the Fair.The fact that, for us, this is a local organization makes it that much more personally satisfying for our group.

If anyone is “on the fence” considering doing a sponsorship, our advice would be to go down the same road we took – get involved on a small level and go out and participate in all the Fair has to offer.Once you see how much fun there is to be had for all interests and how hard the kids work on their projects, we will almost guarantee that you will come away wanting to stay involved for years to come.

Mark Cochran

GBA Corona / R-Tech Department

Sponsor banners are displayed high and low, all across the fairgrounds.
Photo by Fort Bend County Fair Photography Committee
Sponsors enjoy dinner at the Sponsor Reception where gift bags including fair passes and plaques are handed out.
Sponsors enjoy dinner in the Hospitality Tent during the rodeo and enjoy the VIP area at concerts - for more information see our Sponsor Book!
The best seats in the house! Enjoy rodeo action and events in the Sponsor Seating area in the OD Tucker Rodeo Arena.
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