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The first Fort Bend County Fair was held October 6-8, 1933. The original Fairground was located between Richmond and Rosenberg, on the property now occupied by Fiesta on Avenue H. In 1974, the Fairground was moved to the existing location on State Highway 36 just south of U.S. Highway 59 in Rosenberg.

Youth education has always been a primary focus of fair activities. In recent years, the development of a scholarship program has provided deserving Fort Bend County students with scholarships to Texas colleges and universities. Annually, forty scholarships are awarded to our high school youth.

Through the years, the Fort Bend County Fair has grown into one of the largest and most successful fairs in the State. Residents of the county eagerly anticipate visiting with friends and neighbors at some of the many activities the Fair has to offer.

The Fort Bend County Fair Association is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
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