Fort Bend County Fair - Rosenberg, Texas
88th Annual Fort Bend County Fair & Rodeo - "Defying Challenges, Raising Champions"
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2024 Volunteer Code of Ethics, Anti Harrassment Policy & Release of Liability

Anti-Harassment Policy

Fort Bend County Fair Association (FBCFA) seeks to maintain an environment that is free from all forms of discrimination or harassment. As a volunteer with FBCFA you have the right to be free from unlawful harassment and the obligation to do your part in preventing harassing conduct.

FBCFA will not tolerate conduct by any person which harasses, disrupts, or interferes with an individual’s performance or which creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile work environment. This prohibition includes any harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, color, age, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability (physical or mental), citizenship, veteran status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable Federal, state, or local law. The term sex includes pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition.

Any volunteer who engages in discrimination, harassment, or retaliation may lose their volunteer relationship with FBCFA and be prohibited from all future volunteer opportunities with FBCFA. Employees who engage in such conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action.

As a volunteer, if you witness or otherwise become aware of discrimination or harassment, against any individual, you must report activity to FBCFA management. Failure to report discrimination or harassment constitutes a violation of FBCFA’s policies and may result in termination of the volunteer relationship.

FBCFA prohibits all retaliation against the victim of harassment or discrimination, as well as retaliation against any individual who reports such conduct. Any reports of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation will be investigated promptly and impartially. Information collected shall be kept confidential to the extent possible and any resulting investigation shall comply with relevant legal requirements. FBCFA asks that volunteers requested to participate in any harassment or discrimination investigation do so in good faith. Failure to participate in good faith shall result in termination of the volunteer relationship.

Sexual Harassment

FBCFA does not tolerate sexual harassment by any individual employed by, volunteering for, or associated with the organization. “Sexual harassment” is generally defined under both state and federal law as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature where:

  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or as a basis for employment decisions; or
  • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

Sexual harassment may also include unwanted sexual jokes, inappropriate or vulgar language, sexual gestures, physical contact, physical assaults, and the display of sexually oriented materials. Conduct which is not intended to be offensive may still be perceived as harassment and employees and volunteers should conduct themselves professionally at all times. Conduct which may be appropriate or inoffensive in a social setting may not be acceptable at FCBFA. Avoid unnecessary touching, lewd jokes, and other forms of potentially inappropriate behavior.

Like all other forms of harassment, FBCFA strongly condemns sexual harassment and encourages all employees or volunteers who receive or witness sexual harassment to promptly report the behavior. FBCFA will take the necessary steps to investigate and end all sexually harassing behavior. Do not assume that FBCFA is already aware of a problem.

Code of Ethics
  1. Introduction


The reputation for fairness and excellence depends on the collective commitment of our Directors, Officers, committee members, volunteers and employees working together in a manner that merits trust and confidence from our customers, communities, and most importantly, the youth we serve. The purpose of this document is to convey those basic principles of conduct.


The primary objective of this document is to reinforce accountability for responsible and mature behavior in all who represent our organization.

  1. Standards of Conduct
  1. All persons associated with our organization are expected to adhere to the spirit and the letter of all laws, rules and regulations. Illegal, immoral or unethical actions are unacceptable and willful violation will result in the appropriate disciplinary action.
  2. Each employee or volunteer must manage business affairs so as to avoid situations that might lead to conflict, or even suspicion of conflict, between one’s self-interest and one’s obligation to our organization or its customers. An individual’s position must never be used, directly or indirectly, for private gain, to advance personal interests or to obtain favors or benefits for himself/herself or a member of his/her family.
  3. Each employee or volunteer must keep the interest of the FBCFA foremost in mind while providing assistance to spectators, performers, and participants of the FBCFA.
  4. Each employee or volunteer must give, to the best of their ability, comprehensive and thorough support of the respective committee membership.
  5. Each employee or volunteer must acknowledge and support the proper and authorized uses of FBCFA equipment and resources.
  6. Employees or volunteers are not allowed to personally retain any tips received when working at a Fair function. All funds received during a Fair sponsored event are property of the FBCFA.
  7. Each employee or volunteer must thoroughly understand the needs of the respective committee before proceeding with recommendations.
  8. Each employee or volunteer must be honest and trustworthy, avoid harm to others, be fair and not discriminate and respect the privacy of others.
  9. Each employee or volunteer must avoid making financial commitments for the FBCFA without advance approval by FBCFA Board, Executive Committee, or Fair Manager.
  10. All statements to the media are to be approved by the President, or appointee of the FBCFA management team.
  11. Each employee or volunteer agrees not to use any mailing lists; committee lists or email lists belonging to the Fort Bend County Fair Association for personal use or to solicit business.
  12. Each employee or volunteer must exercise care when participating in social media, as the line between personal and professional content, lawful and unlawful, and between public and private content are often blurred. Everyone should follow the same standards of behavior “online” as they would if “in person”. The Fair policy policies on prohibiting sexual harassment and other misconduct which apply equally to social media activities. This includes not expressing, communicate or linking to comments that are vulgar, obscene, threatening, pornographic, harassing, or defamatory or which are violation of the Fair’s policies against retaliation, discrimination, hostility or harassment on account of age, race, religion, sex, ethnicity, nationality, disability, or other protected class, status, or characteristic.
  1. Monitoring the Code of Ethics

Responsibility, with commensurate authority for communicating and assuring compliance of the Code of Ethics, is placed with the President along with the Board and Committee Chair. The Board of Directors’ Executive Committee Chair (President) shall act as a peer review committee to review any instance of misconduct, impropriety, or the appearance of either. Consequences for substantiated policy violations could include but are not limited to termination from employment or volunteering with the Fort Bend County Fair Association.

  1. Policy Review

No less than annually, this policy shall be reviewed by management with recommended changes and presented to the Board of Directors.

Release of Liability Agreement

In consideration for being allowed entry into and participation in activities (the “Activities”) associated with the FBCFA, the undersigned hereby releases and discharges FBCFA; their insurance carriers, their legal representatives; their present and former corporate parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, predecessors, and successors; their present and former directors, officers, employees, agents, and representatives, and the respective heirs, administers, executors, successors, and assigns of any of the foregoing (collectively, the “FBCFA Parties”) from any and all claims, causes of action, suits, or demands for personal injury, death or property damage accrued or to accrue in the future, known, or unknown relating to or arising out of any negligent, grossly negligent, and./or intentional acts on the part of the undersigned in connection with the undersigned’s entry into and participation in the Activities. The undersigned further agrees, on behalf of himself/herself and on behalf of any his/her heirs, successors and assigns, to DEFEND and HOLD HARMLESS the FBCFA Parties from and against all claims, demands, or causes of action for personal injury, death or property damage, including without limitation, all costs, expenses and legal fees incurred in defending the same, made by, or through the undersigned, or on his/her behalf, relating to or arising out of any negligent, grossly negligent and/or intentional acts on the part of the undersigned in connection with the undersigned’s entry into and participation in the Activities. I further agree to release from liability hold harmless the venue in Fort Bend County, Texas and Fort Bend County and the County Judge and Commissioners, for all purposes. The undersigned warrants that he/she has read this Agreement and fully understands it to be a release of all claims, known or unknown, present or future, that he/she or may have against the FBCFA.

I further certify that I have never been convicted or received deferred adjudication as a sex offender or of any crime related to abuse, assault or violence toward a child and I authorize FBCFA to review any sex offender registries under my name. I agree that if I am charged with such a crime, that I will immediately advise the Fair Office.

I further certify that I am 18 years of age or older and I agree to abide by all FBCFA rules and policies.

Volunteer Title


Check each committee that you volunteer on
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the Fort Bend County Fair Association Management Program Code of Ethics, Anti-Harassment, & Release of Liability Policies referenced above and agree to abide by each of the policies' standards.
2024 Volunteer Code of Ethics, Anti-Harassment Agreement & Release of Liability
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